Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Email on joining Football Picking Competition this Fall

Thanks for stating you are interested in competing in a picks competition this fall. We are still VERY open to adding more people, so if you know anyone interested let me know!

Here is what I'm thinking as far as how we are going to do this - which is a competition but also a comparison and "vocal outlet" for everyone to trash-talk, compare, debate, and track who is doing well and who isn't. 

There will be 2 "leagues" - NFL and NCAA Football. You can do both. I will cover the ground rules now: 

For everyone - please email me a "blurb" (think 140 characters or tweet level) of you for introduction on the blog (friendlystrife.blogspot.com). I will put these up this month as I get them! Also - a screen name/nickname that is EASILY REMEMBERED!

Please note that missing a week is KILLER in competing with everyone else for season records. However, there will be weekly awards as well, so if you miss a week, come on back!

NFL League - we will pick each game every week. Please submit picks to me by Saturday for Sunday games. Once we get to the point in the season where there are Thursday games, we will submit the winner of that game only prior to Kickoff. This includes opening week - I want to give everyone fair shots at injury reports, so we will pick Thursday games prior to Sunday/Monday games. We are just picking a winner, NOT AGAINST THE SPREAD. I will post everyone's picks. You may provide a 1-sentence reasoning for each game if you choose. You do not have to say anything for every game. I will post these on the blog as they arrive.

On Tuesday morning, I will post results from the weekends games in a single entry - ranking the week and overall standings, including against experts. I will also, in a separate post, hand out awards. If you have ideas for awards - submit them to me now! They can be funny, serious, strategic, or something like "Worst injury to key player that killed the outcome of a game"

NCAA League (same goes for awards) - since games will occur almost any night of the week, here is the schedule of things. By Wednesday of each week - please submit 2 games that you would like to pick. Right now there are 7 of us, so that is 14 games. Every person gets to pick 2 games, and I will compile the list and email it back out Wednesday. These games can be from the Thursday of that week to the Tuesday of the next. Please do not pick a Wednesday night game (there are almost none anyway). That gives everyone Thursday to get back to me with their picks. Is that enough turn-around time? If we get more people joining - we will drop this to 1 game a week. But currently, the cap on games to pick will be 16, as I reserve the right to add key Top-25 match-ups that may not have been picked. Scoring is the same as NFL.

Please submit all correspondance to me at this email. Also - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT, DEBATE, AND TRASH TALK through the comments options on the blog. 

We need more people - so please do some recruiting and let's make this really fun!

To sum up:
NFL - Picks submitted by Saturday night. If Thursday game, that pick only by Kickoff (I see timestamps!!!)
NCAA - 2 games to pick to me by noon Wed. List of all games back out to you Wed. Picks back to me by kickoff of the first game of that weeks picks (Thursday is earliest that can happen.

Hopefully this isn't that complicated...even though the email is a bit lengthy. Please let me know you are still in. I want to make it as easy as possible - and give everyone some blog time!!!

Happy hunting!

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